silence is easy, but it only keeps you safe for the moment

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Il Mio Cuore Va

When darkness prevails, should not we still have a reason to carry on? Likewise, when turmoil surrounds us, and our very hearts grow weak with burden, should not we still know why we journey on? If you are unaware of your reasoning for carrying on this life, how can you traverse to your fullest? You will merely be grasping at thin shreds of life, hoping it will fulfill your void. Why live, if you do not know why you live. Why forgive, if you cannot see the purpose behind it. [Rhetorical questions, at best- reflect on where it takes you] I live because I have a purpose. I know my body was not formed around my soul in vain. My loins were constructed, with my skin being wrought around my bones for an intent. That is why when pain confines me, and I contemplate the comforts of giving up, I ultimately realize the dangers of doing so. If I give up the affliction and misery I face in this life, then how can I truly enjoy the wonderful things this world brings my way? If I have not tasted discomfort, then how can I appreciate joy.. warmth, trust, and love? Cliche or not, everything is brought about for a reason. My God does not work in vain. Number two brings me to a matter close to heart: forgiveness. I forgive because I have been forgiven. Sin in a sin, none is worse than the other in the eyes of my Creator. I have been as guilty as you. I have cheated, lied, blasphemed, betrayed, lusted- the list is endless. Yet, with everything I've done and continue to do, my Savior still forgives me. Time after time, his mercy meets me right where I am; on the ground. His love picks me up, whispering, "let's give this one more try--together." His love keeps no record of my wrongs [1 Cor. 13:5] and, because I have been shown this grace and mercy, I can extend it to those who have knowingly and unknowingly hurt me. Forgiveness is the one virtue I struggle with the most. My nature is to feel that if I forgive, I will be taken advantage of, wronged and hurt over and over. Maybe this nature is in all of us, which is why Jesus tells us to be ready to forgive more than seven times, even up to seventy-seven times [Matt 18:22]. Jesus forgave us for a reason, and the forgiveness isn't supposed to stop there. One of the many ways we show Christ's love to each other is through our forgiveness. So, even though I may be hurt, broken, even doubting if I can trust again, I will still forgive. It's what my Lord calls me to do. Any time a negative though congregates within my skull, I push it away, praying the Lord will continue to help me forgive. It's a daily, even minute-by-minute decision and action. But I know the struggle is worthwhile. So, I forgive.

I forgive you.

[my sin
oh, the bliss of that glorious thought
my sin, not in part, but the whole
was nailed to the cross
and I bear it no more
praise the Lord, praise the Lord
oh my soul]

I apologize for the sentence structure, spacing, lack of indentations, paragraphs, etc.. If you want to see those attributes, then go read a published book.

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