silence is easy, but it only keeps you safe for the moment

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Ground Still Beneath My Feet..

It's true: our lives are what we make it. we have the choice to grant ourselves knowledge, and we have been given the brain-capacity that leaves us with no excuse for making intentionally stupid choices. however, one cannot deny that we are influenced, most certainly to varying degrees, by those around us. every moment of each day that we spend with others, finds our thoughts, emotions, ideals, standards, and the such, infiltrated, pushed around, broken, changed, renewed, etc.. these changes can be positive, negative, or, simply, just different. of course, this is nothing new.. we all should have a grasp of this common truth. but for me, the whole concept hits pretty close to home right now. no matter who you are, no matter what you do; someone is always watching. and they are listening. and potentially following in your lead. yes, they are responsible for their own choices, but, as a Christian, we are commanded not to be a stumbling block, and we are responsible for being a good witness. this doesn't mean being fake and pretending that we are perfect and got it all together.. if that were true, then why would we need Christ? He is the power we need to be able to change. He is what we need in order to be that positive influence in someones life. it could be a stranger, a friend, an unsaved grandparent, or your lil brother or sister that is searching for direction, and maybe, unknown by you, they are looking to you for guidance. it could be as commonplace as your sibling being a jerk, and you wanting to be a butthole right back to them.. or it might be you getting into a heated discussion with someone about your beliefs and they belittle you, while throwing all your words and reasons back in your face. two situations, two possible reactions; positive or negative. duhh, it feels like crap when someone is a jerk to you, and, yeah, it might feel even worse at that moment to be nice to them.. but what's the right thing? what action will help you best show the love of Jesus? just knowing the right answer isn't the solution; we often know the right thing but still don't do it. for me, keeping the fact in mind that I really -can- help make the difference in someones life, encourages me to choose & take action on what i know to be right. they are in control of their actions, and we are of ours, just as much. so, in conclusion to this big fat pile of thoughts: everyone influences everyone. just make sure yours is a positive one(: you might help save a life.


  1. First comment :D

    Glad you're writing.

  2. Agreed. You are such a talented writer, Larissa!! Are you in English 98 or 101? If you are in 98, there is no doubt that you will get an A+. ;D

  3. I'm in my last week of Eng. 111.. I got to skip the other classes :D

    thanks so much, Laurel!! your opinion means a lot to me.. IMISSYOU!

  4. I feel as if a part of this may have been possibly influenced by me.
